
1. Join the beta test of Orga

The application Orga is published as a beta version.

The beta test is intended to find errors in this version of Orga and to get feedback to improve the application. Please dont hesitate to tell me any comment or suggestion.

If you want to join the beta test of Orga please fill in your name and your email-address and answer the following questions:


eMail address:     

Which hardware?	    Psion S5

Do you want to get emails to keep informed about new versions of Orga?


Where did you hear about Orga (for instance on 5 Alive )?


Please note: Although it is most unlikely that you will experience any problems responding to this form, certain non-standard browsers will not respond properly. If you experience any difficulties, (or if you are not using a forms-capable browser) you may email your response to this form to:

2. Download Orga

If you filled in the above form, proceed and download Orga, Version 0.98
This file contains the English, German and French version. During the installation you are asked which language version should be installed.


Since 04. November 1998 there were accesses to this page.